


Riset Internet Pedesan

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With 22 telephone lines and 3 computers per 1,000 people, India has a very poor basic information and communication infrastructure. Even though this infrastructure is highly concentrated in urban areas, Internet access via the telephone is still difficult and expensive in urban areas. In rural India, more than half of India's villages lack telephone connectivity, let alone Internet access.

The lack of information and communication infrastructure results in people having to waste time and money chasing information and government officials. Lack of clarity in processes, and corruption and mismanagement in systems and operations, is rampant. The inaccessibility of information affects the rural poor more than other sectors of the community. Similarly, lack of market information (on commodity prices, various input suppliers, etc.) leads to loss of income and exploitation of rural entrepreneurs by middlemen. Such exploitation and losses further marginalize small and marginal farmers and village artisans. The implications of this scenario on the rural people(with differential impacts on the poor and other vulnerable groups)are three-fold:

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